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خدمات منجز للتوظيف | مفاتيح بناء فريق العمل الناجح الخاص بشركتك

Hiring an exceptional team is a priority for any company aspiring to excellence, efficiency, and results. Therefore, companies strive to conduct job interviews and advertise job openings to attract the best candidates for the positions.


Indeed, many companies face challenges in finding the right person due to the high number of applicants, as well as the difficulty of reviewing and sorting qualifications to select the most qualified individuals.


63% of hiring managers say that talent shortage is their biggest challenge.


في منصة منجز طورنا نظام توظيف متقدم، يعتمد أحدث التقنيات ومصمم ليناسب الشركات المختلفة ويعمل على مساعدتهم لتوظيف افضل المرشحين المناسبين لـ العمل الجماعي من خلال نظام تنظيم وتوظيف عملي وسريع وسلسل.

يختصر عليك منجز شهور من البحث عن المتقدم المناسب، لكي تحصل على فريق العمل المميز بأسهل طريقة ممكنة.


How does the hiring system in Munjiz work ?


Munjiz hiring system consists of three main products for job requests, which are:


  • Permanent Hiring
  • On Demand Staffing
  • Internship


Through the system, you can choose the preferred work arrangement for your team.

Afterwards, you will be able to define the specifications and requirements needed for candidates to apply for the job.

تقوم منصة منجز بترشيح الأكثر ملائمة للشروط و المواصفات المطلوبة وتعرضهم عليك في بيانات واضحة تستطيع من خلالها الوصول للمتقدمين والتواصل معهم، وتنظيم مقابلات العمل.

كذلك تقوم منصة منجز بأرسال الإشعارات و التنبيهات للمتقدمين حول وضعهم في التقدم للوظيفة وما اذا تم رفضهم او قبولهم.


76% of hiring managers acknowledge that attracting suitable candidates for the right positions is the biggest challenge they face.


How can you leverage that to hire an exceptional team?

You can utilize the services offered by the Munjiz platform to attract and hire top talent for building an exceptional team. Here are some steps you can take:


  • Define your job requirements
  • Publish the job position details .
  • Screen the applicants and their qualifications.
  • Communicate with candidates and schedule job interviews.
  • Review the hiring decisions.
  • Complete the agreement and contract.
  • Build your outstanding team.


Start hiring today through Munjiz  based on your recruitment needs